And borrowing from loads of VR games that have nailed climbing mechanics, you can scale almost any structure intuitively by pulling yourself up any surface that looks grippable and, if you’re feeling brave, throwing yourself into the air to make a death-defying grab onto an otherwise out-of-reach ledge.Ĭombat is the final piece of the Assassin’s Creed puzzle and, much like it is in the non-VR games, it’s definitely the weakest part of Nexus. Parkour is even more impressive, as you can leap over objects and across gaps by simply holding the run button and facing in whichever direction you want to go.
Creeping around in stealth to assassinate enemies with your hidden blade, gathering intel by eavesdropping on conversations, and blending into the crowd is unsurprisingly a lot of fun in first-person, especially since you can get creative by leaning to peek around corners or lying flat on the ground to hide behind small objects – things that wouldn’t be possible in a regular Assassin’s Creed game. No matter whose boots or sandals you’re occupying, though, you’ll mostly be doing the same classic Assassin’s Creed stuff you might expect, and most of that translates very well in VR.